Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010

right now I'm dangerous ;P

they killed my soul.
so i decided to go to supermarket and buy a new one.
i choose to pay with my fat belly, cuz i don't need him.
The till girl looked like the hello kitty doll and said:
ey if you buy this thing you get this free.!
and she pressured me tears in my eyes.

good i hope there wont be so much side effects ^^

Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010

own way.

this sucks?!
this fucks
this is hell
but sickness won't
cure your life again.

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010

tell me something sweet.♥


I'm missing you so much.
but I'm not allowed to evern think of you.!

>>holy picture's in my head
feeling the enemy is dead?<<