Mittwoch, 16. September 2009

i'm wirting don't say anything.

heaven- earth- hell

heaven- i want to be but i think 2 days ago was a bit of it.

earth- was yesterday morning and the schoolparty or more probably the school.

hell was all the rest untill now.

i know i'm writing like an very pessimistic person ...
but i can't help myself .

this time i won't write so dramatic:

i've heard many people say,that my hear is great.
with the new color :D

tomorrow the weekend starts and i probably see my friends.

. the raindrops are falling on the cold grey stone.
.the lights aren't that bright.
.a jung men is hanging on his phone.
.no clouds are quiet white.
.but the more you look into your mind.
.the more clearness you'll find.

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