Dienstag, 21. September 2010

i give a damn what you think.!

I'm not afraid?!
I AM afraid.

this times come back.
I'm alone.

blind from now.!

but still hanging on this rope .
come take my hand.!

Dienstag, 14. September 2010


waisting day.
new hobby of me.!

drawing the curtain. cause outside is this real world
this perfekt world :(

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

he hate and love it but if we need it we don't know it :p

tomorrow the school starts. what should i say. xD nothing but i love my school so . . . there is no problem. This day : first day in boarding school is always a bit confusing :) but i hope this year will be great. good bye and good night. ah sry my weight: i don't know. but not as much as last time thank good I love my boyfriend.♥

Dienstag, 7. September 2010

. upupup. that make sense!

i want . . .
i want . . .
to start every sentense with i want is very exhausting.

but i want to move to 45 kilos.
how can i ever make it?!

the power comes from . . . ?!
how every you'll see how I get along.!

today starts with 56,5 kilos
damn -.-

Donnerstag, 2. September 2010


I can really use a wish right now.

wish I was him not I !