Montag, 11. April 2011

laughting at tears.

is it worth that i do my best and noone ever says :well done.
well then . don't give a sh** what the saying ore what they a not saying, if you don't know what you want in your life. LIVE YOUR LIFE. noone says you have to had a dream or a goal.
they way is the goal .

i cryed a lot the last time and just at that moment i stoped an guessed.: It's my life!
hopefully i go for that sentence longer than 3 secounds.
good bye and good night.

Dienstag, 5. April 2011

last post was years ago

people . kids. lovers, girls, boys, men , women,

there are all searching just for one thing in the world - love.!

FAIL. no not all.
if you allready got your love what are u searching for, ?!
What if you never searched for love just for your work or your hobbys.
oh dear i never lookt at it, like this is gonna be a new form of living .
dear dear.
my life is changing again.
and it's changing very fast :(
so I'm always missing something.
and losing more and more. , where a the good new news for me?!

bam bam plz look at my pics.
on flickr.